home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Name
- ----
- CineMPCCine snd 1:cine source.mpc:
- Strings
- ------
- Alien Sounds
- Macromedia Director
- stxt
- ----
- 3175584
- Script Channel Commands
- --------------------
- wait 10000 --600wait 70000 --4200 * --all you needwait 131966 --7918 --there we godelay 30wait 39000 --2340 --interestedwait 177900 --10674 --so muchwait 13333 --800wait 15000 --900go the framewait 5delay 60wait 11666 --700wait 33000 --1980 --satisfywait 133666 --8140 * --add suggwait 35050 --2103 --feedwait 37033 --2222 --peoplewait 3233 --194wait 72500 --4350 --clickwait 95000 --5700 --phaseswait 145333 --8720 --press buttonwait 119583 --7175 --need a listcycleItwait 30wait 68333 --4100 * --is becausewait 201800 --12108 --wait 5000 --300wait 6666 --400--wait 55000 --3300 * --bioswait 193216 --11593 --not buffwait 150966 --9058 --ed goaldelay 45wait 205216 --12313 --feastwait 207766 --12466 --can't be hapwait 58233 --3494 * --animwait 52650 --3159 --all this stuffwait 54300 --3289 * --reviewsdelay 90wait 56566 --3394 --1st timewait 91100 --5220 * --rentwait 126133 --7568 --clickwait 60116 --3721 * --look!wait 64400 --3870 * --it's funwait 66350 --3981wait 8333 --500wait 211950 --12717 --funwait 76000 --4560 --and then lookwait 127800 --7668wait 16666 --1000 --tryingwait 19000 --1140puppetsprite 2,truewait 82316 --4939 --3 starsdelay 5wait 84000 --5040 --starringwait 129766 --7786 --add to listwait 212633 --12758puppetsprite 2,falsewait 162200 --9732 --find so manywait 22500 --1350wait 117333 --7040 --missionmci "open CMaudio.WAV type waveaudio alias snd" when timeout then doTimeOutmci "close snd"wait 161250 --9675LOADUPwait 121000 --7260 --I'm in reviewwait 136316 --8179 --infowait 142216 --8533 --general serieswait 116666 --7000 --not stand therewait 106133 --6368 --what don'twait 155066 --9304 --good listswhen timeout then nothingwait 171700 --10302 --inclineddelay 10wait 93000 --5580wait 94000 --5640wait 28450 --1707 --we imaginedwait 78333 --4700 --if you're interwait 165666 --9940 --wait 184466 --11068 --consumerwait 190833 --11450 --wait 187633 --11258 --which is greatwait 42816 --2569 --try to create prodwait 40250 --2415 --this groupwait 196083 --11765 --wait 26250 --1575wait 30766 --1846 --sourcewait 199383 --11963 --wait 46333 --2780wait 181633 --10898 --helpedwait 168333 --10100 --mci "play snd from 0 to 22500" mci "play snd from 22501 to 46333" mci "play snd from 46334 to 66350" mci "play snd from 66351 to 91100" mci "play snd from 91100 to 133666" mci "play snd from 133666 to 212633"
- vwci
- ----
- 1025: CinePal
- 1027: CINE01.PICT
- 1029: 45-55
- 1030: 3 star
- 1031: b
- 1032: bo
- 1033: bog
- 1034: bogart
- 1035: bogart2
- 1037: stillAt60%.PICT
- 1047: kael
- 1048: maltin
- 1051: fatal 65%
- 1052: madding 75%
- 1053: naked gun 75%
- 1054: reds 75%
- 1055: west 75%
- 1061:
- singin 75%
- 1062: saturday 63%
- 1079: listmaker
- 1080: sarandon.PICT
- 1081: spx.PICT
- 1088: cursor white
- 1106: CINE02.PICT
- 1113: bogart list
- 1163: message
- 1179: NR,BW 75%
- 1184: fatal 65%
- 1185: HOME 75%
- 1186: on mouseDown repeatDemoend mouseDown
- 1187: on mouseDown hilitebutton go "black" quitend mouseDown
- 1190: bg 75%
- 1191: still 75%
- 1192: scroll review
- 1193: bio
- 1195:
- stunt katz
- 1199: sfx 75%.PICT
- 1205: moov 75%
- 1206: light
- 1207: caption.PICT
- 1208: n7.PICT
- 1209: n8.PICT
- 1210: n10.PICT
- 1211: n12.PICT
- 1212: n13.PICT
- 1213: n14.PICT
- 1214: n15.PICT
- 1215: n16.PICT
- 1216: n17.PICT
- 1217: n18.PICT
- 1218: n19.PICT
- 1219: n20.PICT
- 1220: n21.PICT
- 1221: n22.PICT
- 1222: n23.PICT
- 1223: n24.PICT
- 1224: n25.PICT
- 1225: n26.PICT
- 1226: n27.PICT
- 1227: n28.PICT
- 1228: n29.PICT
- 1229: n30.PICT
- 1230: n31.PICT
- 1231: n32.PICT
- 1232: n33.PICT
- 1233: godf stillcap1.PICT
- 1234: godf clip 2.PICT
- 1235: godStill 75%
- 1236: cliffhanger.PICT
- 1238: godf vidcap.PICT
- 1239: W0P1
- 1240: W0P2
- 1241: W0P3
- 1242: W0P4
- 1243: W1P4
- 1244: W2P0
- 1245: All OFF
- 1246: All OFF
- 1247: suggest BUTTONS.PICT
- 1248: suggest BUTTONS.PICT
- 1249: commitments ebert noshrink
- 1250: commitments ebert noshrink
- 1251: Ebert 100
- 1252: edge r
- 1253: godf maltinRev noshrink
- 1254: marble
- 1255: godf maltinRev noshrink
- 1256: godf maltinRev noshrink
- 1257: kael 100
- 1258: queen kael noshrink
- 1259: queen kael noshrink
- 1260: queen kael noshrink
- 1275: !third man.75%
- 1279: !fish noshrink
- 1282: ebert 75%
- 1284: !fish noshrink
- 1288: !fish noshrink
- 1289: !fish noshrink
- 1298: wedding.905
- 1300:
- cycleStart
- 1312: